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NICU 101

NICU 101. Here are 10 pieces of advice and information that you’ll find helpful if your baby needs to spend time in the NICU.

Breastfeeding and Going Back to Work

Returning to work is a challenge for moms who want to continue breastfeeding, but with a little planning and the right tools, it is definitely possible to continue breastfeeding your baby even after you've returned back to your job. Here is some helpful information to get you started.

Holds for Breastfeeding

Finding the right position for you and your baby is one of the first steps to a successful feeding. And it isn't always easy! Learn about several options to keep you and your baby comfortable.

Soothing a Crying Baby

It is normal for babies to have periods of fussiness, when they are difficult to put to sleep or feed. But even though you may know it is normal, that doesn’t make it easy! Here are some suggestions to help you through those difficult times. Remember that your Healthy Futures Nurse may be able to […]

Breastfeeding: Going Home

For new moms who are committed to breastfeeding, the first night home can be a scary time. The nurses and lactation consultants are no longer there to help make sure everything goes smoothly - and both mom and baby may not be totally comfortable with the process. Here are some tips to help you get through this challenging time at home. And remember, your Healthy Futures Nurse is also there to help!

Breastfeeding: The Second Night

You’ve worked with your nurses or a lactation consultant; you’ve had a few successful feedings; so you might expect the second night with your baby to go smoothly. But even on the second night, babies and new moms are still figuring each other out. Don’t be discouraged; it is normal to take a couple steps […]

Breastfeeding: Find Support Near You

Breastfeeding provides all the nutrition your baby needs to grow, but it isn’t always easy. Healthy Futures can connect you to the support you need to start and continue breastfeeding.

The Healthy Futures Home Visit

Learn how you can invite a Registered Nurse to your home after you deliver your baby. They can answer your questions and help you with your concerns.

Finding the Services You Need

Every parent needs some help sometime. Whether you need medical advice or financial assistance, Healthy Futures is your gateway to finding the help and support you need.

Breastfeeding: The Magic Hour

The minutes and hours after you deliver your baby are some of the most special – and important – moments you’ll ever spend your child. Learn what to expect during this critical time and how to ensure a great start to your breastfeeding experience.